Monday, January 15, 2007

Pictures From Our 2nd Birthday!

Here are some pictures from our birthday party on January 8th.
We're two years old now - into our teenage years!

Mom made cupcakes in our honor, but we didn't get to have any because she says "cupcakes aren't for kitties."
But that didn't stop Carolina from trying to run off with one. She had already licked the frosting off one in the kitchen earlier.

We had party hats!

(Tucker only lets Daniel hold him like that)

Aunt Kristin came over to celebrate with us!

Mom gave us lots of Greenies and some spray cat nip so she can refresh our toys. 'Nip in a bottle - AWESOME!!! She sprayed some on a piece of paper to test the pump and Tucker spent 10 minutes licking that piece of paper.

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